Thursday, August 24, 2006

Soul Play

Title: Soul Play
Author: snapeforte
Rating: di situsnya SV. R di Fistion Alley
Character: Snape, Narcissa, Bellatrix, Draco
Summary: Snape bukan di sisi Dark, bukan juga di sisi Light. Ia adalah Ia...

Bahasanya keren. Sesungguhnya Ambu nggak begitu suka Snape is working for himself, tapi bahasanya keren. Pemilihan kata bagus, plotnya juga bagus. Teori yang disampaikan dalam cerita juga masuk akal, seperti: kenapa rambut Snape selalu berminyak? Karena ia adalah animagus tak terdaftar. Seekor laba-laba. Laba-laba harus meminyaki dirinya sendiri agar tidak terjerat jaringnya sendiri..

Teori snapeforte tentang Snape is a Spider itu bisa dibaca di sini. Soul Play sendiri bisa dibaca di sini (jangan kuatir, nggak perlu pake login ^_^..). Dan snapeforte juga punya web yang bagus tentang Snape.

Ambu sendiri baru sampai bab 5...

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Dumbledore is dead. Udah tau!

Dalam acara "An Evening with Harry, Carrie, and Garp," ada acara baca buku. JKR, Stephen King, sama satu lagi .. duh lupa.

Pokoknya, pada acara tanya jawab, ada Salman Rushdie (Satanic Verses! Dia baca Harry Potter!). Pertanyaannya:

Rushdie: It has always been made plain that Snape might be an unlikable fellow, but he was essentially one of the good guys.(Massive cheering) Dumbledore himself has always vouched for him. Now(unintelligible) Snape is a villain and Dumbledore's killed. We cannot, or don't, want to believe this. (Cheering and laughter). Our theory is that Snape is in fact still a good guy. We propose that Dumbledore can't really be dead. That this in fact is a ruse, cooked up between Dumbledore and Snape to put Voldemort off his guard. Harry then will have more friends than he knows when he and Voldemort do face. So, is Snape good or bad? (Massive cheering). It's plain to see, everything follows from this. (Cheering)

Jo: Your opinion, I would say, is right. However, I see I am going to have to be more explicit and say Dumbledore is definitely dead.

Snape bukan pembunuh

Kemarin buka-buka essay, dan nemu ini:

Jadi, kesimpulannya, Snape tidak membunuh. Dia hanya menunda kematianDumbledore untuk sekian lama (makanya Dumbledore sendiri jemput Harry,bilang kalau Harry nanti mesti dateng lagi ke Privet Drive walau cumasebentar, dan laen-laen..) karena Dumbledore ngejar waktu. Waktu diayang cuma tinggal sedikit.Dan Snape-lah yang menunda kematian itu... stopper death.

Yaiy! Teori yang keren...