Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Fanfic ... Again

Fanfic kali ini tentang (lagi-lagi) Mirror of Erised. Hello, Darkness. Begitu baca, langsung keingetan tentang lagu Sounds of Silence-nya Simon & Garfunkel, dan ternyata memang benar.

Sedih memang denger lagu, pas baca FF-nya.

Hello darkness, my old friend, I’m here to talk to you again

Huhu. Ceritanya Harry nemu Mirror of Erised (buku 1) dan Snape memergokinya diam-diam, tapi Harry nggak tahu. Snape jadi keingetan pengalaman dia dulu dengan Mirror of Erised. Snape ngasih tahu ke Dumbledore, dan itulah makanya hari berikutnya pas Harry lagi menikmati apa yang disajikan Mirror of Erised, Dumbledore ada.


He went to his own room, but did not turn on any candles. Instead, he yanked down the drapes, shutting out the moonlight streaming onto the floor, and sank, without getting into his pajamas, into his lumpy bed. The moonlight was beautiful, but the darkness would take over him, and he would not have to lie awake in the silvery glow of the moon, hating his life and wishing Lily were next to him, her dark red hair streaming across the pillow.

Severus waited, seeking the heaviness that the darkness would bring upon him, but it did not come. He kept thinking about what he’d seen this night, remembering the sorrow on Harry’s face, knowing what the boy was seeing. He was seeing a beautiful young woman with ivory skin, hair the color of paprika cascading down her back, warm green eyes looking sadly out…

Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while I was sleeping
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence



Fanfic kedua, May Angels Lead You In. Ceritanya pas di Hutan dan Lily cs menemani Harry berjalan mendekati Voldemort, ternyata ada satu sosok lagi, Snape. Persis seperti yang kubayangkan ^^

Sedih juga yang ini:

“Potter,” he heard Snape’s voice, so different, so un-malicious.

A lump formed in Harry’s throat as he turned towards the older wizard. “If you please, sir. It’s Harry.” He knew his eyes were shining with tears.

Snape stared at Harry, who was on the edge of a breakdown.

Why’s the boy crying?

Well, he’s about to walk to his death, but I suppose it isn’t THAT big a deal. Snapes subconscious scolded him.

“Harry,” he said, and knew there was no time for sarcasm or sneering, “your welcome.”

The boy let out one sob, and closed his eyes, tears running down his cheeks.

“If you’ll excuse me,” he said, feigning politeness horribly, “I have to go die now.”

But there was nothing funny about it. It was true, and terrible, and disgusting. He is a child Severus thought to himself.

And before he could stop himself, the former potions master strode forward, and embraced Harry Potter. The boy flinched with shock, but eventually returned the embrace, grasping the man tightly.

“You’re the last thing I’m holding onto,” he whispered into Snapes robes, sobbing uncontrollably, “literally.”

Snape had a ghost of a smile upon his face as he rubbed the boys back. He didn’t want to speak. He didn’t want a sarcastic remark to spill from his lips, though he’d never do it intentionally. His mistreatment of the boy was habitual, and Severus was disgusted with himself.

Harry pulled back eventually, and looked at him, one last time thought Snape sadly, seeing Harry’s eyes filled with misery was seeing Lily’s eyes filled with misery.

“Thankyou, once again,” said the boy tearfully, “you’re the bravest man I think the world… has ever known.”

Severus wasn’t one for cheesy lines, in any circumstance, but this touched him. And he pulled the boy fiercely to him. “No,” he said firmly, “you are. I’m so- so- sorry.” He was surprised to find tears in his eyes. Harry left his embrace once again.

“No more delays, Professor. I must go.”

“Then go, Potter,” Snape retorted neutrally, “and my prayers are with you.”

The boy nodded, and disappeared into the forest.

A song for a heart so big
God wouldn't let it live.

Snape fell to his knees, tears coarsing down his cheeks. "I'm sorry, Lily..." he sobbed, "so sorry..."

Huhuhu juga ...


Blogger dyahwie said...

Assalamulaikum Ambu,

what a blog.


hehehe, secara saya juga pencinta Sev, the half blood prince.


JK kepikiran sampe segitu ga yah??

tapi Harrynya JK ga se-romantis itu. he's a bit proud, meskipun ga se-arrogant james yang nyebelin.


4:16 PM  

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