Friday, August 17, 2007

Fanfic Post Deathly Hallows

Karena DH memberikan banyak sekali tempat untuk membuat fanfic, maka dari hari pertama sudah ada Fanfic yang bagus-bagus. Dari mulai, yang terkenal akan FF yang asal saja tapi kalau pinter milihnya bisa dapet yang bagus (saran: pakai C2) sampai Owl.Tauri dan Sugarquill yang mesti dibeta dulu, dan thread Snape Point of View dari THPN yang isinya Snapeeee semua, dan bagus-bagus semuanya.

Inilah beberapa yang Ambu udah baca:

1. Eight Year Latter – Strega Brava –

Hanya beberapa hari setelah Deathly Hallows keluar, jadi ada yang tidak canon compliant. Lukisan Snape, misalnya, dalam chat JKR bilang Snape tidak punya lukisan yang tergantung di kantor kepala sekolah… Tapi karena JKR juga mengatakan Harry akan berusaha, mungkin saja dianggap gambarnya sudah ada, sudah berhasil diperjuangkan.

The portrait looked at the baby for a time and a softness, wholly out of character, appeared in his expression.

Bahasanya keren, ciri khas Strega Brava. Dan umurnya 38, anaknya 3 *ambu dikemplang*

2. What Might Have Been – snarkyroxy –

Harus log-in dulu baru bisa baca. Perhatikan bahwa alamat email AOL dan yahoo sekarang nampaknya sudah tidak bisa dipakai untuk regis di situs ini, disarankan untuk memakai gmail

JKR bilang dalam chat bahwa DD akan melihat seluruh keluarganya, Percival, Kendra, Ariana, dan Aberforth di Mirror of Erised. Jadi, keluarga nampaknya menjadi pokok keinginan..

Di What Might Have Been, Snape yang jadi obyek.

“No.” Severus backed away from the other man, his voice carrying a pleading edge when he spoke again. “You have my word that I won’t search for the mirror again, Albus. But please do not take from me what I have seen… it’s all I have of her. Please.”

3. Mortis Confuto – Mimiheart –

Salah satu FF yang menceritakan Snape nggak jadi mati. Stopper in death.

"I wish I knew her, you know? I wish you had told me about her. I wish anyone had."

4. Redemption – Reign –

Err, standar kaya’nya, tapi ada yang pengen di-quote:

“Welcome home, Severus.”

For the first time in a long time, he smiled back.

I’m not alone.

5. Euphoria – Mighty Crouton –

Ambu dan Piren sesaat setelah kami menyelesaikan buku, pernah diskusi tentang cara matinya yang menyedihkan, ga ada pengurusan yang baik, dan bagaimana akhirnya. FF ini termasuk ke dalam yang keluar di awal-awal, dan Ambu ngasih link-nya ke Piren. Dan Piren meng-SPS Ambu malem jam 2 hanya untuk bilang kalau dia akhirnya udah baca FF ini

In short, nasty snakebites to the neck are not worthy of hero worship.

He finally found his home.

Huhuy, pasti piren lompat-lompat baca ini.

6. Goodbye Severus – Shi –

Snape-nya lukisan juga, dan agak OOC. Tapi pengen quote:

"The real reason I came, sir, was to thank you… for letting me see her the way you saw her." there was a pause, Harry had to urge to look away again but knew he had to hold his gaze. "Sirius and Remus told me all about my dad, but I never got to talk to someone who was a friend of my mums." he paused for a second; neither he nor Snape looked away from each other. "I guess I finally understand why you treated me so harsh all those years."

"Do you?" Snape asked raising his eyebrow.

"Yeah, I guess I do look a lot like my dad, who I agree was a major prick to you, and ...I was the reason she died."

7. Picture Perfect – Phantom TF –

Setelah FF yang bikin hujan airmata, perlu ember dan kain pel untuk mengeringkannya, yang ini seger. Snape jadi lukisan, beberapa tahun kemudian McGonagall juga, sementara Neville jadi Kepala Sekolah dan Albus Severus jadi Guru Ramuan plus Kepala Asrama Slytherin ^_^

“You’re a Slytherin.” Severus was gobsmacked.

“Yes, sir,” young Albus said, straightening his tie nervously. “My brother and sister are in Gryffindor, but Dad said that it was okay if I ended up in Slytherin.”

Severus smirked. “Indeed. As long as you behave yourself better than your father, I have no doubt you will be a fine addition to Slytherin.”

“Did Dad get into trouble a lot?” Albus Severus looked intrigued.

“Oh, yes. Perhaps I will tell you sometime.”

“Then I can come back and see you, Headmaster Snape?”

Severus was hard-pressed to hide his smile. “If you wish. By the way, I believe the Malfoy boy was to be in your year. Was he sorted into Slytherin as well?”

“Oh, no, sir. He was sorted into Gryffindor! Looked a bit upset about it, but hopefully he’ll be okay. I told him what Dad said about sorting.”


Dan, lukisan Snape suka menakut-nakuti orang yang sok:


One upperclassman once challenged him after a meeting with Longbottom. “What makes you so scary? I don’t believe all the things I’ve heard about you.”

Snape gestured to the portrait on his right. “See him?”

“Yeah, what about him?”

“He was my predecessor. I killed him.”

Albus fought not to smile. “He did always have a bit of a temper.”

The uppity student turned pale, realized he was all alone in the Headmaster’s office with nightfall approaching, and ran for the exit as fast as his legs would carry him.

8. One of Them – tbka -

Ceritanya agak panjang, dan nggak canon. Dari awal sudah diceritakan bahwa Severus ketahuan sama Voldemort, mereka pindah markas ke The Burrow, dst-dst. Dari cerita yang panjang (dan lumayan enak diikuti) hanya ada satu yang ingin Ambu quote:

Severus Tobias Snape
1960 – 1998
One of Us

Ya, tulisan di nisan Snape. Betul banget, dengan statusnya sebagai mata-mata, dia seperti tidak diterima dalam keluarga Orde of the Phoenix. Nisan itu menceritakan yang akhirnya mereka ketahui, Snape adalah One of Us…
Dan di cerita ini, yang terus datang ke makam Snape adalah Hermione, sampai berpuluh tahun kemudian saat dia meninggal, Snape-lah yang menjemputnya di Afterlife.. SSHG sih ..

9. Thread Snape Point of View Post DH di The Harry Potter Network

Kaya’nya semua FF-nya bagus-bagus dan mesti dimuat di sini ^_^

a. Louisa

Sebagai kepala sekolah, malem-malem dia memeriksa stok ramuan di Madam Pomfrey tanpa ketahuan, karena dia bertanggung jawab atas keselamatan siswanya. Sedih.

b. Ellen2

Snape melindungi Colin Creevey. Ini pasti dibuat sebelum chat JKR karena menurut JKR Colin tidak bersekolah di Hogwarts, tapi menyelinap ke Hogwarts saat Perang, koin DA-nya panas kan, dipanggil oleh Neville.

c. Et tu, Severe?

Epilogue of the Prince. Haru.

“Lily, I don’t know if I can do it,” he sounded almost childlike. “I am not ... I am not as good a man as that.”
She once again surveyed him with a penetrating look, but with kindness in her eyes.

“None of us are to begin with, Sev. And you’ve hit upon the last thing that will be asked of you, coincidentally.”

“What is that?”

“To forgive yourself.”

d. The Black Adder

The Headmaster’s Solution. Kepala Sekolah dan Peri Rumah. Kepikiran ya? Bagus banget.

“Dumbledore told Dobby no matter what happened, Dobby must trust Severus Snape.”


Very well. We’ll organize corridor watches, coordinated in between food preparation. Food preparation…” Snape sat forward at the edge of his seat, his long finger tapping his thin lips as he spoke. Ideas tumbling forth now as though under a Replication spell. “We can put Strengthening Solution, Pain Reduction Potions and so forth in the meals. Perhaps target certain students in particular…like…Dumbledore’s Army…”

“Headmaster Snape has many good ideas, like Headmaster Dumbledore!”

e. Rocking_on

Severus Victorious
Ga ada quote. Baca semuanya dari awal sampai akhir :(

f. BScorp

Snape diajar Occlumency oleh Dumbledore. Metode yang sama hendak ia terapkan pada Harry, bahwa Occlumency/Legilimency itu tidak enak, tapi caranya tidak sehalus Dumbledore.

Dua teori, ada yang menyebutkan Dumbledore-lah yang memperkenalkan Occlumency/Legilimency pada Snape, ada juga yang menyebutkan bahwa Snape terkenal pintar, jadi pasti sudah mempelajari dulu, mungkin dari buku, lalu Dumbledore memberikan prakteknya.

“Very well then.” Dumbledore straighten up. “Prepare yourself. We go again.” After a moment, he raised his wand towards Snape’s eyes.

Snape did not blink.

g. Louisa

Snape mengenang masa kecil. Bullying, 4-1? Seperti Marauders?

She’d appeared to be as light as a feather and graceful as a doe


For the first time in his life Severus did magic without anger.

Ambu mikir, apa adegan ini yang dijadikan Snape sebagai pembuat Patronus?

Dan menurut penulisnya:
And I would much rather that Snape learned to fly from Lily than from Voldemort


h. Ellen2

Angst. Banget. Dia memang hidup lagi, tapi dia sudah memberikan semua memori pada Potter.

He hadn't just given him the message.

In that last, confused moment, desperately trying to pour out everything Potter would need, to make him understand . . . .

He'd given Potter everything.


Yah, cukup sekian dulu ... Mudah-mudahan bisa memuaskan ^_^


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