Saturday, April 07, 2007

Asrama Snape

Seorang di milis Snape-ku menulis:
Why did the Sorting Hat place Severus Snape into Slytherin?

He seems to have the intelligence and thirst for learning well suited for Ravenclaw. There seems to be a wide streak of bravery rearing its noble head periodically in his actions

Why Slytherin? To escape the torment of James? Could Severus have turned out differently if placed in another house?

Dan jawaban yang masuk di antaranya:

I believe Severus Snape fits the Slytherin mold rather well actually. My opinion is, if his homelife was a wreck and he had an abusive father then he would be a little boy/teenager who had a great desire to prove himself.

Severus the youngling would need to show that what everyone has said about him his whole life is wrong. I'm sure that muggle children threated him no better so I'm thinking he got called a coward and weird a lot by other kids; besides the magical ones.

We know that one of the Slytherin traits is a strong desire to prove yourself. So out of everything I think he got into Slytherin because out of everything he wishes to prove he is not what everyone says; an evil oddball coward.

Jawabannya sih sudah bisa diperkirakan. Tetapi pertanyaannya itu yang nggak terduga. Iya, ya? Dia seharusnya masuk Ravenclaw. Sama saja seperti Hermione, dia juga seharusnya masuk Ravenclaw.

Jadi, yang menunjukkan seseorang masuk ke Asrama mana, bukan melulu dia pintar, atau loyal, atau pemberani (lihat Neville) tapi keinginan dia yang membuat dia masuk Asrama tertentu.

Lalu keluar pertanyaan dari kepalaku:
1. Apakah jumlah siswa tiap Asrama itu sama? Kalau iya, bagaimana Sorting Hat membaginya hingga sama?
2. Kalau tidak sama, apakah ada Asrama yang pada suatu waktu tidak memperoleh siswa? Asrama yang memiliki siswa sangat banyak? Seperti Forum dengan Asrama yang terbagi --HPI misalnya--, kebanyakan milih Gryffindor, lalu Slytherin, dan Hufflepuff paling sedikit peminatnya...


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