Friday, July 15, 2005

Postingan panjang ...

Kita sudah tahu kalau Snape selalu bekerja di malam hari. Canon atau Fanon, ia selalu dilukiskan bekerja sampai larut malam. Bahkan ada yang melukiskan dia itu vampir dan takut pada sinar matahari (dan ditolak dengan keras oleh JKR, lihat di ‘Facts’ di

Tetapi, sebenarnya pola kerja seperti Snape ini berdampak buruk pada hati. Hati = liver, bukan hati = heart

Penelitian di Taiwan membuktikan bahwa orang yang masih terbangun pada pukul 23.00-01.00 menyebabkan hati-nya tidak berkesempatan untuk membuang racun-racun yang disaringnya sehari penuh. Hati akan menyimpan racun itu, dan baru akan membuangnya (de-toxin) manakala si orang berkesempatan untuk tidur lelap pada waktu yang sudah ditentukan (23.00-01.00).

Orang yang masih terbangun pada jam 23.00-01.00, tidak bisa detoxin malam itu. Racun-racun yang akan dibuang malah disimpan lagi di dalam hati. Baru akan dibuang keesokan hari, pada jam sama, dengan catatan: pada jam itu dia tertidur lelap. Bagaimana kalau dia memang biasanya bangun pada jam itu? Berarti tidak akan ada kesempatan untuk detoxin.

Snape biasanya tidak tidur pada jam itu. Harry sering sekali menemukan Snape sedang ‘meronda’ apakah anak-anak belum tidur, atau mengerjakan apa saja pada malam hari. Kapan tubuhnya berkesempatan detoxin?


Kedua, masih dalam pengobatan Cina. Ada lima elemen yang bekerja terpadu, yaitu kayu, api, tanah, logam, air. Ada lagi yang lain, seperti warna.

Hijau berhubungan dengan hati. Jadi hati-hatilah wahai Slytherin!

Ada pula temperamen. Kemarahan berhubungan juga dengan hati.

Jadi, Snape harus berhati-hati dengan hatinya...


Berhubungan dengan Chinese Zodiac, Jo bilang kalau Snape lahirnya 9 Januari 1959 atau 1960. Kalau 59 berarti dia Anjing Bumi sedang kalau tahun 1960 dia Babi Bumi. Mana yang pantes ya? Hehe..


Berikut spoiler yang ditemukan kawan kita Freeloader di Forum HarryPotterIndonesia. Sesudah 16 Juli sudah tidak berlaku ...

* The Big Death? Dumbledore. He apparently dies very close to the end of the book, or at least that's when everybody is talking about it a lot.

* Draco doesn't get killed, but at the end of HBP he has been taken away by Voldemort. Harry has some inner dialogue about how he has never liked Malfoy, but he does feel pity for him and wonders what is happening to him. I didn't read the Voldemort confrontation part but I think there may have been some ambiguity on whose side Draco was on

* Bill Weasley - werewolf! Squee! And it might be Remus that's infected him.

* Minerva's really worried whether they'll be able to keep Hogwarts going without Albus Dumbledore.

* Tonks falls in love with Remus (awwww!) and Harry discovers it.

* Severus Snape is the Half Blood Prince! Harry's totally convinced he's a traitor by the end of the book after Snape disappears from Hogwarts."

* I can confirm several of these from another reliable source the big death at the end, (Dumbledore) and the HBP (Snape), though, I'm hearing it's not explicit that Snape is the HBP, but it's just inferred.

* The last chapter is called The White Tomb and it has to do with Dumbledore's funeral. Lots of people are there from all through the series including Umbridge. Some weird things happen during the funeral but she couldn't remember what because she read so fast. Harry breaks up with Ginny after the funeral and it seems like they were only together a short time. He tries to ditch Ron and Hermione but they won't go. It's up in the air whether Harry will come back to Hogwarts next year and Ron says he will go wherever Harry goes. Harry also says something about if he runs into Severus Snape then too bad for him so it sounds like Snape has left the school and did something

* Harry & Ginny bakalan dating di HBP *gasp!* but they'll break up at the end of the book (thank god!)

* And yang ini juga masih agak simpang siur walopun leaning ke bener ... Ron & Hermione will be an item in HBP...

* because the wizarding world is at war here, Quidditch has stopped entirely, for fear of accidents or attacks. Also, no one really feels like celebrating or competing, because everybody is very wary.

* Harry in fact leaves the Dursleys' for Bill and Fleur's wedding - it's a hasty affair, but very happy - they decided they'd like to get married before the war really begins, because they're not sure if they'll have a chance later. (Bill does not become a werewolf in this book, by the way)

* The new DADA teacher is, in fact, Krum. Since Quidditch has been cancelled, Dumbledore offered him the job. Hermione was especially happy about this, but Ron is, evidently, not. In retaliation, he plays up in Krum's lessons and flirts with people in front of Hermione (badly, I might add). Consequently, there are a few misunderstandings with Lavender, Luna and a great one with Pansy.

* Grawp's been causing mayhem; he managed to smash up Hagrid's hut. He got moved to the stables once Dumbledore returned, but didn't get on well with the Thestrals.

* St. Mungos gets attacked by Death Eaters, and the patients are moved to Hogwarts after an attack on the hospital. Slowly, the Longbottoms' memories begin to return, revealing dark secrets from the past.

* The showdown between Harry and Voldemort is incredibly dramatic. They're seeping further into each other's minds - at times before Harry mastered Occulmency, Voldemort could even control him. Voldemort offers Harry the chance to have Sirius back. Harry doesn't realise that Voldemort is toying with him and immerses himself in dark magic. The two-way mirror Sirius gave him before comes into play here. Harry uses it to effectively see 'beyond the veil'.

* Luckily, his Occulmency lessons with Snape have created somesort of link between the two - Snape senses what he's up to and pulls him out just in time. Harry ends up blaming Snape for not giving him the chance to rescue Sirius.

* Chapter Titles in HBP
1. The Other Minister
2. Spinner's End
3. Will and Won't
4. Horace Slughorn
5. An Excess of Phlegm
6. Draco's Detour
7. The Slug Club
8. Snape Victorious
9. Half-Blood Prince
10. The House of Gaunt
11. Hermione's Helping Hand
12. Silver and Opals
13. The Secret Riddle
14. Felix Felicis
15. The Unbreakable Vow
16. A Very Frosty Christmas
17. A Sluggism Memory
18. Birthday Surprises
19. Elf Tails
20. Lord Voldemort's Request
21. The Unknowable Room
22. After the Burial
23. Horcruxes
24. Sectusempra
25. The Seer Overheard
26. The Cave
27. The Lightning-Struck Tower
28. Flight of the Prince
29. Phoenix Lament
30. The White Tomb

* Re: the death of Dumbly, hampir semua spoiler yang gue temuin, selalu nyebutin kalo Dumbledore yang bakalan meninggal, so there's a big chance klo emang dia yang akan di 'eliminate' sama JKR.

* Another thing that can back the 'fact' up, di list chapters, ch 30 berjudul 'the white tomb', sedangkan di spoiler sebelumnya gue nulis tentang isi dari ch. trakhir di HBP, yang judulnya juga 'the white tomb' dua spoiler dari dua tempat berbeda di hari yang berlainan juga menyebutkan 'fakta' yang sama (judul chapter), so I think, yes, Dumbledore will die somewhere at the end of book 6.

* Death:
Albus Wulferic Percival Brian Dumbledore

* Who is the Half-Blood Prince?: Severus Snape
WTF?!? How is THAT the Half-Blood Prince??? (no ID): The HBP's father was a wizard, mother was a Muggle named Eileen Prince. He is a Prince, not a prince. ==> kayanya kita ketipu semua nih dengan konsep 'Prince'

* The fate of Bill Weasley: He marries Fleur Delacour and his face is mutilated.

* The fate of Albus Dumbledore: He dies. At night. At the hand of the Half-Blood Prince. At Harry's side. On page 595. He gets badly injured and Harry tries to carry him to safety. He practically begs for his organized mind’s next adventure. The HBP enthusiastically complies just when Harry thinks they’re safe.

* The fate of Severus Snape: He flees after the events discussed above.

* The fate of Harry Potter: He gets another kiss. He spends the last page knowing that a final confrontation with Voldemort is to come, whether it's in a month, a year, or ten years, but he wants to spend all the time he can before then in the company of his close friends. He vows that if he sees the HBP again, he will hand him his ass.

* The fate of Ron Weasley: He lives. He looks away pointedly at the first portion of the fate of Harry Potter.

* The fate of Hermione Granger: She lives.

* The fate of Ginny Weasley: She perpetrates the first portion of the fate of Harry Potter on her way to bed.

* oh, additional spoiler: Ch 6: Draco's Detour, Draco keluar dari Hogwarts n pindah ke Durmstrang.

* The Death Eaters invade Hogwarts--Dumbledore dies. After the invasion, Snape joins with the Death Eaters and leaves with them, causing Harry (and evidently most everyone else) to hate him.

* Voldemort has somehow managed to divide himself--possibly magic involving his soul?--into a few pieces that are hidden in magical containers scattered throughout the world. Because of this, he's a hell of a lot harder to kill.

* Bill and Fleur are getting married; Bill was almost killed in the Death Eater attack.

* Definitely alive at the end: Lupin, Ron, Hermoine, and McGonagall.

* Something may have happened to Draco.

* There is a confrontation scene between Dumbledore and Voldie. Dumbledore informs Voldemort that he knows a lot more than Voldie thinks; he lists the various Death Eaters in the area and where they are most likely staying. Voldemort says that there must be a spy among the DEs if Albus is so confident and Dumbledore says "Oh no...I'm just friendly with all the bartenders in Hogsmeade."

Oke, yang ini even bigger than the rest of the spoilers karena yg ngasih bocoran dapet salah anteran dari amazon jepun, jadi sekarang orang itu udah selesai baca HBP. Okay, here we go *takes a deep breath* :

1. Snape = DADA. (so not Krum like the first spoiler said)
2. Karena Snape ambil DADA, harry masuk Advance Potions walopun dapet E untuk OWLs Potionnya
3. Molly ngga suka sama her new daughter in-law (fleur)
4. Harry sempet berantem dengan Narcissa
5. Ginny & Gabrielle (wtf is Gabrielle?) jadi pengiring pengantin di nikahnya Bill Fleur.
6. Surprise! Snape ngambil 70 point dari slytherin gara2 Harry dipukulin Draco dkk.
7. H/G shippers, be happy. Ginny ciuman sama Dean, bikin Harry ngamuk n cemburu berat....
8. Voldemort nyuruh Draco untuk ngebunuh Dumbledore, TAPI dia ngga berhasil, jadi SNAPE yang MEMBUNUH Dumbledore with AK. Dan Harry tau tentang hal ini (yang ini gue udah liat hasil scan halaman pas Harry cerita ke Hagrid)


Blogger Loopeen said...

Who is the Half-Blood Prince?: Severus Snape
WTF?!? How is THAT the Half-Blood Prince??? (no ID): The HBP's father was a wizard, mother was a Muggle named Eileen Prince. He is a Prince, not a prince. ==> kayanya kita ketipu semua nih dengan konsep 'Prince'

====> btw, terbalik tuh....
he has A Witch Mother and A Muggle Father.

6:08 PM  

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